Axel Plöger - Painter
Sachsenstr. 27

DE 32756 Detmold
Mobil: 0163 8651266

 Logo210orange mailgross


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contact address:
Axel Plöger
Papenbergweg 30
32756 Detmold
NRW - Germany

studio address:
Sachsenstr. 27
32756 Detmold

responsible person:
Axel Plöger

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


© VG Bild-Kunst Bonn 2020

International sales tax ID:

This internet presentation serves the presentation of pictures and texts of the visual artist Axel Plöger.

Axel Plöger is a member of the BBK-Ostwestfalen.

Responsible for the content and design of this internet presentation is Axel Plöger.

Axel Plöger gives permission to use all the material on these Internet pages
to use appearing contents for the information acquisition of the user
and copy or create a printout.

Layout and design of this presentation and the information contained
are protected according to the copyright law.
This must also be observed if materials appearing on these Internet pages
used or copied by third parties to obtain information.

All information is provided without guarantee.

Any liability for damages resulting from the use of the published contents is excluded.

This website is published and maintained by Axel Plöger.